The materials should be created in MS WORD
Page Format In Word- A4, portrait orientation. Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing - margins - 20 mm on all sides, indentation indent - 1 cm, the text alignment - justified.
Drawings can have the gif and jpg extension. The size is no more than 50 kb.
The text should contain:
  • The title of the article should be printed in the capital letters. Center alignment.
  • Surname, name, patronymic (in full), position and e-mail (in parentheses) of the author (-s). Italics. Center alignment.
The volume of the article is no more than three typewritten pages.

Please send the materials of the reports by E-mail to the address till June 15, 2013. The materials are published in author's edition. It is allowed to have no more than one publication by an author. Please write your postal address and postcode in the email (the theses collection will be sent at this address) .