Materials should be created in MS WORD.
Page Format is A4, portrait orientation. Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing - 1,0, margins - 20 mm on all sides, indented line - 1 cm, the text alignment - justified.
Drawings can have an extension of .gif and .jpg. Size - no more than 50 KB.
The text should contain:
- Title of the article - in capital letters. Center alignment.
- Author`s last name, first name, middle name (full), position and e-mail (in parentheses). Italics. Alignment - center.
The volume of the article - no more than 4 pages.
Presentation materials are to be sent via e-mail to in the period up to
20th of December 2013.
Conference participants will receive certificates. The most interesting papers will be included in the collection.
In a letter please specify:
- Name of the section
- Surname
- Name
- Middle Name
- Organization
- The Unit
- Position
- Academic degree
- Title
- E-mail