Annex 1. Application form and the requirements for its formalization

1 Full name of the author and co-authors
2 Article/abstract title
3 Academic degree, academic title, honors
4 City
5 Organization represented
6 Position (in full)
7 Full name, home mailing address, including the index, where a collection of conference and party certificate will be sent
8 Phone number (office ) with area code
9 Phone number (home) with area code
10 e-mail
11 How you get known about our conference ?
12 Payment is made for the publication of abstracts / articles, send the collection , additional CD- drives (number of pieces ) , a personal certificate of participation (Full Name). Underline the necessary points.

Application form must be made in a separate file, for example, “Ivanov_Zayavka.doc”

Annex 2. Requirements for the materials

The electronic version of articles and applications must be in separate files. In the file name, specify the name of the first author and the words "Article" or "Application", for example: Ivanov_Statya; Ivanov_Zayavka.

If the file size exceeds 200 KB, should compress it by an archivator program (allowed archivers are ZIP, RAR). Graphic files attached to e-mail, must also be archived.


  • Language – Russian, English
  • Text Format - *doc, *docx, *rtf
  • Page format - A4 (210x297 mm)
  • Orientation - portrait
  • Margins (top, bottom, left, right) - 25mm
  • Font: size - 14
  • Font type – Times New Roman
  • Alignment - the width
  • Line spacing - single
  • Images should be grouped
  • Paragraph - indent (1.27 cm)
  • References - at the end of the text (not automatic)

Annex 3. Sample of the text of the report

Ivanov I.I.
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Russia, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Features of possessory business management in the service sector with a view of the globalization of the world economy
The text of article …
